AI trend to continue at SCOPE 2024

She has more than 15 years in the life science technology industry significant experience in the investigator grant administration domain having led and provided oversight to the successful technology adoption efforts for clients ranging from top 10 CROs to small and mid-size Sponsor companies.

An early clinical career focused on the psycho-social impact of long-term disease on patients sparked Meghan’s interest in research and the need to bring life improving drugs to market.

OSP spoke to her about the 15th​ annual SCOPE summit taking place next month in Orlando.

Why do you think it is important to attend SCOPE?

Overall, SCOPE provides attendees with the opportunity to learn about topics they care about and connect with peers in this niche space of clinical trial management. For me, I am deeply passionate about the financial management of trials – how trials stay on budget, operate efficiently, and bring life-transforming treatments to market sooner. SCOPE offers a dedicated track on all things clinical trial forecasting, budgeting, contracting, and payments. This is a very rare opportunity as financial management is typically given limited airtime at other conferences!

What do you hope to achieve this year while you are there?

SCOPE’s Summit offers leading insights into what is around the corner for clinical trials. By attending, I want to absorb as much information as possible to bring back to my team and our customers. Understanding the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the clinical trials space is invaluable for an organization like Medidata that wants to innovate and deliver value to sites, sponsors, and ultimately patients.

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