Rep. Adrian Smith: US needs to be 'aggressive and effective' with tariffs
Rep. Adrian Smith: US needs to be 'aggressive and effective' with tariffs
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Rep. Adrian Smith: US needs to be 'aggressive and effective' with tariffs
Supporters of climate, infrastructure, mortgage, tech, health, veterans’ and other projects expressed alarm as tens of thousands of programs appeared…
Joe Biden’s top economic adviser opens up on harrowing moments from her time in the White House, and what makes…
Miran has called for a sweeping overhaul of the Fed to ensure greater political control over the central bank, including…
Five weeks after the election, the president took his sharpest swing at Trump’s policy plans.
A pair of POLITICO|Morning Consult polls, one conducted in the final days of the election and the other conducted after…
The final paid messages: Economy, culture wars and character.
Harris has ratcheted up her warnings about the dangers of a second Trump term in recent weeks.
使用線上外匯交易平台 外匯是交易者買賣貨幣的全球市場。它全天 24 小時開放,是世界上最大的金融市場。線上外匯交易平台為交易者提供了許多好處。其中一些包括較低的交易成本、槓桿和即時市場分析。此外,一些平台還提供教育資源來幫助交易者了解市場。 線上外匯交易是一個全球市場,交易者和投資者在其中投機貨幣對的價值。該市場是世界上最大的市場,為投資者和交易者提供了顯著的優勢。外匯市場每週 5 天半、每天 24 小時開放。進入市場的價格較低,交易者可以利用槓桿以相對較少的資金獲得巨大的收益。然而,這種增加的風險也增加了潛在的損失。 最好的線上外匯交易平台可以透過行動裝置或電腦從任何地方輕鬆存取。這些平台具有高度可靠性,可確保以正確的價格執行交易。它們還提供保證金和頭寸追蹤等高級功能。這使得它們非常適合想要隨時了解市場動態的交易者和投資者。一個好的平台將具有時尚的設計和直覺的介面。 在線外匯交易平台 外匯交易,也稱為外匯市場,是一個廣泛的全球市場,允許交易者對貨幣價值進行投機。這是透過利用槓桿買賣貨幣對來完成的。槓桿可以放大利潤,但也可以放大損失。線上外匯交易平台允許交易者從世界任何地方進入市場,為傳統貨幣市場提供了便利的替代方案。這些平台通常提供較低的交易成本,並提供各種功能來優化交易體驗。 使用線上外匯交易平台有什麼好處? 這些好處使線上外匯交易成為許多投資者的理想選擇。然而,重要的是要記住,外匯交易涉及重大風險,應謹慎對待。因此,在進行任何交易之前進行徹底的研究至關重要。關鍵是找到一個交易成本低且可靠性高的經紀商。這將確保您的交易快速且準確地執行。 槓桿交易是交易者使用較少金額的資金來獲得基礎資產或外匯(貨幣)、大宗商品或指數等金融工具的較大交易頭寸的一種方式。這可以帶來利潤增加,但如果市場走勢對交易者不利,它也會放大潛在的損失。 交易者應該選擇一家在快速、準確的訂單執行和低滑點方面享有良好聲譽的經紀商。此外,他們應該檢查經紀商是否提供多種帳戶類型,以適應不同程度的經驗和資本以及槓桿比率。 請記住,槓桿是一把雙面刃,交易者必須制定有效的風險管理策略。這包括了解追加保證金通知是如何運作的,因為它們可能很快就會導致巨額損失。此外,槓桿會增加您的開支,因為您必須為從經紀人借入的資金支付利息。請務必在交易前閱讀產品揭露聲明。 線上交易平台提供即時市場數據和一系列分析工具,幫助交易者做出明智的決策。這些功能對於有效的風險管理至關重要,可以減少潛在的損失並提高交易利潤。除了即時外匯圖表外,一些平台還提供技術分析指標,例如移動平均線和相對強弱指數(RSI)。這些工具用於識別價格趨勢和潛在的進入或退出點。即時數據使交易者能夠監控這些指標並在市場變化時快速做出反應。 作為一個全球市場,外匯波動很大。新聞事件和地緣政治發展可能對貨幣匯率產生重大影響,因此交易者了解當前市場事件非常重要。一些線上交易平台允許用戶自訂動態消息和經濟日曆,以關注特定地區或貨幣。這種程度的客製化使您可以更輕鬆地了解相關市場事件和新聞的最新動態。
Trump hits Harris on the economy: 'She destroys everything she touches'
The vice president’s plan aims to make housing more affordable, ease health care costs and crack down on corporations for…
The vice president makes her pitch in North Carolina, where Democrats have long hoped to flip the closely divided state.
Vice President Kamala Harris is trying to flip the script and own an issue impacting large swaths of Americans.
The Democratic nominee isn’t campaigning much on the Biden administration’s bigger, slower-moving policies.
The vice president is trying to shore up the affordability argument.
With a huge swath of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts set to expire at the end of next year, the presidential…
Vance’s rally Tuesday was the first of a series of events in Rust Belt swing states that he and Trump…
This summer’s conventions featured strongly diverging visions of the future — and the present.
The vice president looks to beef up her economic plans ahead of next week’s debate.
Trump says he would name Elon Musk head of government efficiency commission
Trump arrived in New York amid growing concerns among some investors about his economic plans as Harris casts his agenda…
Across the U.S. in November, voters will weigh proposals on election policies, minimum wage increases and marijuana legalization.
He was Trump’s policy whisperer to key voting blocs. Now, he’s fueling rumors that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating…
Biden is determined to convince a skeptical public that he strengthened the economy.
The move signals that the central bank is growing nervous about the declining labor market.
Interest rate cut “is not a declaration of victory, it’s a declaration of progress.”
It was her first solo interview with a national network as the Democratic presidential nominee.
The Treasury secretary is defending her legacy — and warning that the stability of the U.S. economy is at stake.
JD Vance at RNC: Trump is the working class' 'last, best hope'
Though hiring remains strong, voters blame President Joe Biden for persistent high prices.
The president has a compelling antimonopoly record. But he doesn’t always lean into it. And voters don’t really know of…
Friday’s good jobs numbers may be a boost. But boosts haven’t yet materialized into political benefits.
The president is getting more micro in his economic sales pitch as the landscape loses its luster.
Friday’s government report showed that last month’s hiring gain was down sharply from the blockbuster increase of 315,000 in March.
Biden and Trump are both campaigning on warped economic statistics, cherry-picking weird data from the Covid crisis.
By any measure, it amounted to a strong month of hiring.
The concern is that higher rates are putting pressure on households and businesses looking to borrow, weighing on hiring, investment…
Last month’s job growth was up from a revised gain of 229,000 jobs in January.
The president’s team thinks it’s had a historically successful first term, delivering victories on the economy, climate, drug pricing and…
Higher wages, higher growth, higher productivity. Win-win-win. There’s a chance we’re headed down that exact path, and yet, Americans don’t…
It’s a clear upward turn for Biden following a grueling period of price spikes that soured voters’ mood and damaged…
This week, the Federal Reserve took note of the economy’s durability, with Chair Jerome Powell saying “the economy is performing…
It’s an argument that recognizes the sales job Biden has tried to make about his economic needs to be more…
White House seizes on positive economic message
But 10 months out from the election, those new factory projects remain in their early stages — and have yet…
Federal Reserve declines to raise interest rates
Once upon a time, Judis and Teixeira’s The Emerging Democratic Majority was hailed for having foreseen the rising minority and…
Just 35 percent of Americans trusted Democrats more on economic issues, according to weeks of private polling presented to the…
The collective impact: a cascading set of new financial burdens that are disproportionately affecting women, young people and people of…
Still, the job market is gradually decelerating along the lines that Fed officials have wanted to see. The Fed has…