‘Cost-effective’ method ‘lifts dirt and grime’ from tile grout in minutes

Tile grout seems to get covered in dirt, mould and mildew in a matter of weeks after being cleaned – especially if it’s white.

Preventing dirt and mould on tile grout is difficult, especially in high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

There are a plethora of products out there that can be used to tackle tile grout, however, these are usually expensive and contain pungent chemicals.

With this in mind, Melissa Caverly, founder of Imagine Maids, has shared an unusual method for cleaning dirty tile grout – toothpaste.

Toothpaste can be found in most households, however, it can also be bought from Boots for 50p, Sainsbury’s for 55p and Morrisons for £2.

Melissa said:”Utilising toothpaste for scrubbing grout is a clever and cost-effective cleaning hack that produces impressive results.

“To put this hack into practice, simply apply a small amount of toothpaste to a damp cloth or toothbrush and scrub the grout lines thoroughly.

“The mild grittiness of toothpaste, coupled with its cleaning agents, effectively lifts dirt and grime from grout, leaving surfaces sparkling clean and refreshed. Homeowners have cherished this hack for decades.”

However, experts at Tile and Grout Cleaning Townsville claimed other chemicals like white vinegar should not be added to the toothpaste as this could potentially ruin the grout.

Some experts also claim that using an item that’s too abrasive on tile grout could wear it down too much.

If you’re unsure about using toothpaste on your tile grout, you could instead use a steamer or white vinegar.

Sarah Dempsey, a cleaning expert at MyJobQuote said white vinegar is “well-known for being one of the most versatile and effective natural cleaners available”.

As white vinegar is naturally acidic, it can prevent mould and mildew growth and stop other types of bacteria from developing.

Using a steam cleaner doesn’t involve any chemicals and lifts dirt and grime.

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