FDA takes proactive approach to AI with clear strategy

With a dual focus on fostering innovation and ensuring patient safety, the FDA’s approach seeks to provide regulatory predictability, promote international collaboration, and issue guidance to support the development and evaluation of AI-enabled medical devices and drugs.

One of the cornerstones of the FDA’s strategy is international cooperation. Recognizing the global nature of AI development and deployment in healthcare, the agency aims to work closely with global collaborators to establish consistent standards, guidelines, and best practices.

This collaborative effort should not only promote harmonization in regulatory processes but also facilitate information sharing and mutual learning, which the FDA hopes will benefit patients worldwide. By fostering international collaboration, the FDA says it will seek to create a cohesive regulatory framework that encourages innovation while upholding rigorous safety and efficacy standards.

In addition to international collaboration, the FDA says it is committed to supporting innovation in AI-enabled medical products. This entails developing policies that provide regulatory predictability and clarity, thereby empowering innovators to bring their products to market efficiently.

To achieve this goal, it says it will monitor trends and emerging issues in AI, allowing for timely adaptations of regulatory approaches to address knowledge gaps and facilitate the integration of new technologies. The FDA also says it will invest in regulatory science efforts to develop robust methodologies for evaluating AI algorithms, addressing bias, and ensuring algorithm resilience in changing clinical contexts.

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