How to get rid of ants for good with one natural item they ‘despise’

Ants are a common household nuisance in the UK, just like flies, especially during spring and summer when they are more active. 

These tiny insects enter homes in search of food and water. Once they find a source, they will communicate with their colony, leading to an increased presence of ants in your home. 

If you don’t deal with these pests in time, the situation can quickly spiral out of control and become a significant headache.

While there are a huge number of chemical insecticides on the market to deal with ants, households may want to opt for the natural route first as they may be “surprised” with how well it works – particularly with one product.

Nancy Emery, cleaning expert at Tap Warehouse, claims that peppermint oil is something ants “despise” so it will work to “scare them off”.

She said: “One of the smells that ants despise is peppermint, so alongside scattering fresh mint around your home to deter them, you can also mix 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil into a mug of water and then pour this solution into a spray bottle. 

“You can then spray this onto any infested areas and this should help keep the insects at bay.”

The pest control experts at Pro Kill also recommend using this product as it’s effective in “keeping them away for good”.

They said: “Ants hate the smell of mint. You can scatter fresh mint around your home (especially focus on any entry points).

“Or place a few drops of peppermint essential oil on some cotton wool and wipe the areas you know ants tend to pass.”

Another affordable “natural repellent” for ants is lemons, according to Nancy. She claimed that the strong, bitter smell “acts as a great deterrent”, so all you need to do is grab some lemon peel and place it by the entry point.

Alternatively, the experts at Pro Kill recommend using the juice of a lemon instead of the peel.

They said: “Ants aren’t keen on citrus either so mix one part lemon juice with three parts water and spray around the home. 

“This is also a great way to destroy any scent trails the ants are using to remember where they found food sources.”

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