Medable hopes new technology will cut trial build time by half

The company that provides technology for modern clinical trials says early application of the technology in electronic clinical outcomes assessment (eCOA) deployments – a major delay to study startup industry-wide – is groundbreaking.

By automating laborious, manual tasks such as testing, Medable says it saves substantial time and removes eCOA from the critical path to trial go-live.

eCOA employs technologies such as handheld devices, tablets, or the web that allows trial participants, physicians, and caregivers to directly report information related to healthcare outcomes.

If trial participants or their caregivers are using diaries to collect medical outcomes at home, using technology makes it much more convenient to record. Not only that, it can also improve the accuracy and integrity of the endpoint data. Although much less so now, trials are still being run using paper methods to collect the data as there are some exceptions when it can be more appropriate including early phase studies with fewer participants. Although, research has found eCOA can save money and increase participant compliance.

Medable’s new AI and automation capabilities catapult the company to the forefront of automating clinical trial operations and align with the industry’s perennial need to launch studies faster. Now, sponsors can eliminate common gridlocks caused by conversion, configuration, validation, and quality engineering. Medable says the top-10 global pharmaceutical companies already benefit from its novel technology, shaving weeks off build times.

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