Oncimmune ventures into age-related disease biomarker research

The company says its renowned ImmunoINSIGHTS platform is recognized for its prowess in antibody marker discovery and will now be used to unearth novel biomarkers associated with ageing and age-related conditions.

It says this will underscore Oncimmune’s unwavering commitment to confronting the multifaceted challenges posed by aging, where it aims to play a key role in propelling precision medicine forward.

With an eye on accelerating therapeutic breakthroughs, Oncimmune says it has already forged collaborations with top-tier drug discovery entities and garnered interest from global pharmaceutical giants seeking to leverage its technology in this burgeoning domain.

The company explained that as longevity becomes increasingly prevalent, the immune system undergoes a metamorphosis termed immunosenescence, a phenomenon implicated in the onset of age-related ailments. A notable contributor to such diseases is the surge in autoantibody production, antibodies erroneously targeting the body’s own tissues. These autoantibodies are implicated in a spectrum of autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and autoimmune thyroid diseases, which exhibit heightened prevalence with advancing age. Furthermore, autoantibodies exacerbate chronic inflammation, a hallmark feature of numerous age-related maladies such as cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and diabetes.

Age-related conditions

Oncimmune’s pioneering strides in these therapeutic arenas have already yielded significant discoveries, including biomarkers facilitating early rheumatoid arthritis treatment and systemic sclerosis diagnosis. Now, the company is setting its sights on unraveling the intricate interplay between autoantibodies and age-related conditions, with a keen focus on identifying and validating novel biomarkers. These biomarkers hold the promise of enabling targeted interventions and personalized medicine tailored to individual patient profiles.

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