‘Simple’ £3.50 item from B&M unblocks toilets ‘instantly’

Fans of cleaning sensation Mrs Hinch have shared the best way to unblock a toilet without using a plunger or chemicals.

There’s nothing worse than a blocked toilet. Trying to rectify the problem can be messy, smelly and unpleasant, especially if you haven’t got a plunger.

Rather than using strong chemicals or manually putting a gloved hand down the toilet, Mrs Hinch fans suggested using a £3.50 item from B&M – a mop.

Caroline Cranmer posted on the Facebook group ‘Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips’: “How can you unblock a toilet? Have tried white vinegar, baking soda and a lot of other remedies. Still no joy, is it time to call a plumber?”

The post was inundated with more than 100 responses with the most suggested solution being to use a mop.

Sharon Peers agreed and posted: “Plunge it with a mop. Works every time!”

Tracey Hankin suggested: “Put a mop down your loo and pump it.”

Bernice Ni Cionaoith replied: “The mop was the best tip I ever received. So simple and works instantly. Thanks for the reminder.”

Other suggestions from Mrs Hinch fans included using cling film, Mr Muscle and a bucket of water.

Jacky Ward replied: “I’ve never done it but I’ve read if you put cling film around the top, making it airtight then flush.”

Angela Wear said: “Try all suggestions, apart from Dynorod, they’re expensive. I won’t go into details but we couldn’t flush our loo for two days! Bought Mr Muscle Drain Gel from the supermarket and [it was] sorted in a few hours.”

Leza Antonia Bonaria commented: “Fill up a bucket and pour it down the loo fast.”

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