The evolution of personalized medicine for reproductive health

Also known as precision medicine, this kind of individualized treatment is designed specifically for the patient and has revolutionized cancer therapies in recent years.

These treatments also have massive potential for reproductive health and, by extension, the developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) field, which studies the toxicological effects on reproductive health and development. 

The most common use of personalized medicine in reproductive health is in IVF treatment, but there are many other uses on the horizon. Each advancement will bring with it significant challenges considering the complexities of anything related to reproduction and development in the human body.

Kevin Denny, executive technical director and toxicologist at WuXi AppTec, gives his thoughts on personalized medicine in the field of reproductive medicine to Liza Laws, senior editor of Outsourcing Pharma (OSP), including its challenges, potential for future use, and integration into the DART field.

LL: What is personalized medicine, and how does it differ from traditional approaches to treatment?

KD:​ Personalized medicine uses marker-assisted diagnosis tools to tailor specific targeted therapies constructed from a patient’s biological makeup. This essentially designs drugs specifically for an individual.

LL: How is personalized medicine integrated into the DART (Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology) field?

KD:​ This is a new and evolving specialty subset within DART. There is a new working group within HESI DART NAMs/Alternatives​ which aims to create a New Approach Methodology (NAMs) toolbox that will provide for and clarify the context of use for alternative assays.  These will comply with various regulatory guidelines so that they can be validated for use as a NAM. Three manuscripts are underway: (1) A hypothesis-driven approach to DART testing; (2) Use of NAMs in chemical risk assessment; and (3) Use of NAMS in pharmaceutical risk assessment.

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