uMotif revolutionizing clinical trials with innovative eCOA solutions

However, the eCOA/ePRO market has seen minimal innovation since the transition from paper-based forms to digital formats two decades ago, leaving a gap in meeting the escalating demand for improved patient reported outcomes driven by heightened regulatory requirements.

Speaking on the pressing need for industry-wide transformation, Steve Rosenberg, CEO of eCOA/ePRO provider uMotif, he said: “The failure of eCOA/ePRO technology to keep pace with market needs and expectations is impacting trial delivery and impeding the delivery of strategic value to sponsors and CROs.”

The impact of innovative eCOA solutions

Addressing this critical challenge, uMotif has made significant strides in revolutionizing eCOA/ePRO technology.

Rosenberg highlights the company’s success, he said: “We’re closing significant business deals, securing numerous trials, and Q2 is shaping up to be even better. We’re really making great progress.”

A pivotal collaboration driving innovation in the field is uMotif’s partnership with MoCA Cognition, introducing pioneering tools for capturing cognitive function and eCOA/ePRO data in CNS research.

uMotif’s collaboration with MoCA cognition

Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, CEO of MoCA Cognition, underscores the impact of their collaboration, stating: “Delivering a patient-centric approach to capturing cognitive function and other outcome measures has diverse applications, offering a unique approach to clinical trial recruitment, screening, and data capture.”

The collaboration introduces the MoCA XpressO test, a self-administered, digital cognitive pre-screening tool designed to efficiently distinguish between populations of subjective vs. objective cognitive impairment. When integrated with the standard MoCA test, these tools enable the comprehensive capture of eCOA/ePRO data for screening, reducing screen fail rates and accelerating study timelines.

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