‘Gentle yet effective’ homemade solution to get ‘sparkling’ skirting boards in 5 minutes

Skirting boards do more than just provide a tidy finish in a room, they guard walls against scuffs and damage over time.

Joe Phillips, owner of Skirting King, explained that properly cleaned skirting boards can enhance the look of a room as well as positively impact a home’s value.

He said: “Simple does it. Warm water mixed with a small amount of dish soap can clean your skirting boards without the need for harsh chemicals.

“This approach not only leaves your skirting boards sparkling but also keeps your cleaning routine sustainable.

“If you’re facing stubborn stains, a paste made from baking soda and water can gently but effectively remove those tough marks without causing any harm to your skirting boards.”

The expert recommended cleaning skirting boards with warm water, a squirt of dish soap, microfibre cloths, baking soda, a small mixing bowl and an optional soft-bristled brush for hard-to-remove stains.

Start by creating a “gentle yet effective” cleaning mixture by combining warm water with a dash of dish soap in a bowl or bucket.

Begin with a thorough dusting of the skirting boards using a dry cloth, ensuring all dust and debris are removed.

Soak another clean microfibre cloth in the soapy mixture before wringing out any excess water and gently wiping the skirting boards.

The skirting board pro said: “This will tackle any accumulated dirt and marks without soaking the wood.

“For those persistent stains or marks, mix baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the problem areas and lightly scrub with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. 

“This natural abrasive effectively lifts stains without scratching the paint or finish.

“Once you’ve cleaned the boards, go over them with a cloth dampened in plain water to remove any soap residue. 

“Immediately dry with a clean, dry cloth to prevent any moisture damage or streaks.

“Incorporate these steps into your regular cleaning routine for consistently clean skirting boards. 

“Regular attention prevents dust build-up and simplifies maintenance.”

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