How to unblock drain with with simple three-ingredient hack

If you’re grappling with foul-smelling, clogged drains, there’s no need to splash out on costly cleaning concoctions brimming with harsh chemicals. A proponent of holistic living has divulged a natural unclogging method that utilises common household staples.

When your drains start emitting a pungent odour, it’s often due to an unpleasant accumulation of food remnants, fats, grease, and oils making regular cleansing a must.

Keeping your drains clear is essential for banishing bacteria and stenches before they escalate, and it also aids in averting sluggish water drainage. While the market is flooded with products boasting drain-clearing prowess, they can be pricey and laden with aggressive chemicals.

Yet, there’s a natural alternative that’s equally adept at clearing blockages and it’s as straightforward as combining two ingredients likely lurking in your kitchen cabinets.

Lauren, a dental hygienist who champions holistic health remedies and shares her insights on TikTok under the handle @agrelessbeauty44, revealed “a natural way to clean drains without nasty chemicals”. Her simple recipe calls for baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon.

“Simply use one cup of baking soda and two cups of white vinegar. The combo of these two can also break up clogs and loose material,” Lauren instructed, as she demonstrated pouring each substance down the sink. Following this, the clever homemaker swiftly covered the plughole with a towel and allowed it to sit for a couple of minutes.

Firstly, Lauren squirts some lemon down the drain, citing it as “great for cleaning and provides a natural, antibacterial properties, and smells amazing”.

Lauren also provided more insights in the video caption, stating: “Cleaning your sink drain with baking soda and vinegar is a highly effective way to treat minor clogs. The combination of vinegar and baking soda triggers a chemical reaction that helps break down the clog. Lemon is antibacterial and great for cleaning and for an amazing scent as well!”

It seems Lauren isn’t alone in praising the environmentally-friendly hack, with one TikTok user commenting: “My husband is a plumber and uses this method all the time!”

Even if these ingredients aren’t readily available at home, they are cost-effective and can be easily obtained from local supermarkets.

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